Monday, May 15, 2017

How much life do you have in your job?

Since new year, I have changed to a new person. I decided to get serious. From October (I graduated and decided to go full-time game dev alone.) to December I realized I am not at my full speed.

From January till now is a different story. The period of no blog post from then till now is the proof that I am very engulfed in "my own" work. The Pokemon Moon I bought day 1, I haven't reached the first gym yet by now. That's because I decided to play it hardcore and select Japanese language... (And now each conversation took 10 minutes!!)

I want to write something as a checkpoint. Most of the thing about my dream game Mel Cadence has been said in Thai in my other blog (

I am still job-less. I could not believe about half a year had passed! I have tried finding a way to earn money while making game as a mean of survival. In January, I got a web dev job with my friend, who recently got married! That said a lot about his/her progress in life, and the amount of money he/she have, and how much I am behind even though I am at the same age.